Saturday, January 10, 2009

my favorite OTH quote right now...

ok, i totally forgot about my fave OTH quote of the moment:

Make a wish and place it in your heart. Anything you want, everything you want. Do you have it? Good. Now believe it can come true. You never know where the next miracle is gonna come from, the next smile, the next wish come true. But if you believe that it's right around the corner, and you open your heart and mind to the possibility of it, to the certainty of it. You just might get the thing you're wishing for. The world is full of magic. You just have to believe in it. So make your wish. Do you have it? Good. Now believe in it. With all your heart.

says everything i want for the new year :) thanks, mark schwahn!

rob, jensen, twilight, ipod, etc

good riddance, 2008!

hello, 2009! :)

ok, i'm going to say it... i do love rob pattinson, OK? cut me some slack. he's actually an awesome guy (based on his countless interviews) i mean, i don't really actually KNOW the person, but i think he's pretty cool... case in point: he's not afraid to make fun of himself - which totally shows how comfortable in his skin he is and humble... that's pretty rare and i ADORE that!

second, he makes really AWESOME faces! hahahahahahahaha! can't help but squirm with delight! hee! and his quips kinda say how smart he is - which, he IS. someone who's REALLY funny has brains, ya know? ;)

OK - i just wanted to get that out of my chest...

next is jensen ackles. how FREAKING GREAT is this guy? another smart one, at that! he is hilarious in SPN (that's supernatural the tv show for those not in the know), he's sooooooooooooooo hot, and he's not being an a-hole about it. -sigh- how i envy danneel harris!

what can i say about twilight? honestly? the first time i saw it, i HATED it. i was flabbergasted, they didn't follow the book! but then when i saw it the second... and third times (hee!), i realized that i misjudged the filmmakers.. they couldn't possibly make a movie about the ENTIRE book! have you READ the book? i have. loved 'em! ;)

also, they pretty much put everything that was essential to the story/plot/whatever to make the movie work... i thought it was great. and lastly, if this was going to be a stinker, wouldn't stephanie meyer HERSELF put an end to it? for someone who's sold millions of books, i think she's got brains to think about this, no?

next up - just want the world to know i have a brand new ipod. haha! it's pink. the 2nd gen nano.

i also have a brand new tv ;)

and dvd player :)

and soon... a new cellphone :)

next up? laptop :)