ok, it's been exactly a week since i last blogged... been busy with stuff and sleeping, haha!
got to watch SWAP MEAT from SUPERNATURAL last saturday and LOVED it!!! although i was actually expecting it to be sam AND dean who swapped meatsuits, i was pleasantly surprised with the way the story progressed.
plot: sam finds himself trapped inside a 17-year old boy's body and vice versa. dean has no clue as they were separated when the switcheroo happened. no bobby, no cas - just the boys. which worked out fine =) no complaints here!
what ensues is a hilarious take on BIG the movie... albeit, in reverse (LOL). i have to say that mr. padalecki has been getting the long end of the stick for the past couple of eps, and i am thoroughly enjoying every minute of it =D the scene where he goes to the bar and was being picked up by a woman and he says "i would LOVE to have the sex with you!" and with that look on his face?! PRICELESS!!! jared's acting chops have been just going through the roof! FANtasTIC!
i loved that robert singer directed this particular episode and that it wasn't repetitive or self-destructive at all. i guess the writers deliberately made the body swap as sam and another person vs. sam and dean because we've (the fandom) been begging for it to happen that they just wanted to give us a taste of it. i think that last sentence should've ended with a question mark. wee!
jensen ackles had downplayed dean in this episode, probably knowing that it was jared's storyline and that he was respectful in that way that he didn't try to outshine his "crutch" (this in his own words). another solid episode for the supernatural geniuses!!!
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